Your connection to getting the most from your telecommunications expenses 

What's The Cost of Using Fix My Phone Bill

(888) 761-1114


Fix My PHONE Bill


The cost for our services is determined in one of two ways.  Either we will charge you an hourly rate for our services or we will charge you a share of the improvement, as applicable.  The hourly rate is simply a charge for the time spent actively pursuing whatever services we provide, such as problem resolution, cost reduction, and new equipment or services recommendations and implementation.  The share of improvement charge  for cost reduction is straightforward, but a bit more involved, yet totally risk free.

If we both agree that a share of improvement program makes the most sense, the cost to you will be a portion of the improvement for a period of time.  The improvement is determined by comparing the billing on your invoices after the changes are completed with the billing on your invoices before the changes were made.  Since we are using your invoices to determine the improvement, there should be no question as to the amount or the validity of the improvement.  This is a no-risk scenario because if there is no improvement, there will be no cost to you for our services.

We hope our first attempt to create our website is informative, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us about how we can help you get control of your telecom costs and make sure you are getting the best possible service at the lowest possible cost.

We guarantee that our recommendations are viable and accurate and we will refund our fee for any forecasted improvements that cannot be obtained.