Fix My PHONE Bill


We are committed to providing excellent service and are not through until we have all of the changes completely installed, working properly, and billing accurately.

How Fix My Phone Bill Will Help Manage Your Telecom Expenses

In order for Fix My Phone Bill to help you, we must have a complete copy of your phone bills and access to your service providers and equipment vendors.  You can send us your invoices by email, fax, or even snail mail.  We also need to have a letter of agency that gives us the authority to work with your service providers and equipment vendors to gather any needed information about your services and invoices.

We will review all of your billed services, all of the billing and any information you provide us.  We will identify all of the changes necessary to make sure that you have only the services that you want and are paying the correct amount for those services.

We can help you with your improvements in two ways.  If you are knowledgeable about your services and service providers, we will tell you what needs to be done and you can contact your service providers, place your orders, manage any installations and verify the billing is correct. Otherwise, we can take responsibility for placing all of the orders, coordinating any installations and verifying that all of the subsequent billing is correct.  Our involvement, however, does not include performing any on-site work. We will supervise any personnel that are on site performing any installation or making any changes.

Your connection to getting the most from your telecommunications expenses 
(888) 761-1114